Digital Graphics - Newsletter Animation

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My opinion of the TX LRPT Infrastructure

I have looked at the Infrastructure of the TX LRPT and found many positive aspects to help build an infrastructure for not only the state but also more localized in districts and then allow that to trickle down into the campuses.
An infrastructure is simply a VISION plan yet a very critical element that sets goals to be reached with adequate budget and multi levels of support. Here we are looking at Texas setting a goal to bring all schools in the state up to “code” as a matter of speaking on the use and integration of technology.
I agree that creating an infrastructure of the 21st Century will bring high speed connectivity into all levels of education; elementary, secondary as well as post secondary. I also agree that right now the Texas legislature and federal government are showing a tremendous support for all of the state schools. However, I am not seeing a precise plan or vision on making sure each school can access the best resources or can ensure themselves the best connectivity levels.
Loss of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund; in my opinion creates unstable state wide learning. For example, if student moves from a school with high broadband technology use and integration to a school 6 hours away that is not on the same plan, who suffers? I know it creates a downward swing in the student’s education.
I can see room for improvement within our individual campuses and the standards used to report current technology used in curriculum instruction. Then taking this data to the state level and creating a new funding plan that allows some districts to team with resources that are in other states.

Monday, January 25, 2010

TX STaR Chart Data Analyzation

I have analyzed the data from the past three years of Campus STaR Chart reports for my schools campus. I am currently looking at other campuses in our district hoping to see if they have vas different tends or if it is just generated in our Junior High campus. However, I was confused as to whether or not we posted a report all three years since 2006 -2009 but according to my principal she thought the surveys were completed every other year.

I would like to see an upward swing in the administrative leadership role to help navigate the teachers of our campus in the right directions with enthusiasm. There are a few that are not ued to technology or are "technology immigrants" and are nervous but with team efforts and timely staff developments as a campus, we should raise our next survey Key Areas to all Advanced Technology.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Blog

Please don't think I am unaware of technology resources such as blogging I just haven't found the time to learn and experience the latest. I have joined blogs before but have never ceated one for myself.
The first time I planned on creating a blog or website was while my husband and I were working through the adoption process in 2006. Fortunately, the timing of our son being born was so quick that I didn't even have time to start one. Unfortunately it has delayed my knowledge somewhat.